Urban development
Bridge design

Road structures such as bridges are positioned as some of the most important structures in Japan’s road transportation network.
In the field of bridge projects, citizens are asking for safe and secure bridges as well as minimization of the life-cycle cost (LCC), from construction to maintenance and management. To satisfy these demands, new technologies, new construction methods, and new maintenance and management technologies are being developed to reduce construction costs.
Furthermore, as the societal conditions in Japan are changing, exemplified by the future arrival of an era of aging population with fewer children, infrastructure building as well as future maintenance and management are increasing in importance.
Kokusai Kogyo offers comprehensive bridge-related services covering the entire life-cycle of projects, from the basic (preliminary) designs as part of road design and implementation (detailed) designs that take place relatively early in the project, to regularly scheduled inspection of existing bridges for maintenance and management, support for projects that extend the useful lifespan of bridges, maintenance and repair design as part of bridge asset management, and reinforcement design to allow bridges to withstand large earthquakes.

- We create basic (preliminary) designs as well as implementation (detailed) designs for a wide variety of bridges, including overpasses on high-standard highways and general roads, pedestrian bridges, and pedestrian decks associated with station-front development.
- We carry out various types of surveys for maintaining and managing bridges, such as regularly scheduled inspections of existing bridges and damage surveys.
- We assist local municipalities with projects for extending the useful lifespan of bridges they manage as part of asset management.
- We create repair designs for maintaining the functions of overpasses in service.
- To retrofit bridges to withstand large earthquakes, we develop designs to reinforce bridges and prevent them from collapsing. We also develop reinforcement designs for special types of bridges, such as arch bridges and truss bridges.