- 2015/06/04
- Proprietary technology helping consumers select most suitable power supplier(PDF: 101.35 KB)
- 2015/05/18
- Notice of the Approval to Change Our Stock Market Listing to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange(PDF: 44.13 KB)
- 2015/05/14
- Notice of Reorganization of the Group (Summary)(PDF: 51.31 KB)
- 2015/05/14
- Notice of Reduction of Capital Reserve and Appropriation of Surplus(PDF: 44.32 KB)
- 2015/03/13
- Completion of Itabashi Rooftop SolarWay (Tokyo)(PDF: 146.47 KB)
- 2015/01/20
- Notice of Reorganization of the Group (Summary)(PDF: 74.85 KB)