- 2011/12/01
- Improving Water Supply with GIS in Vietnam Expansion in waterwork’s sector overseas(PDF: 172.63 KB)
- 2011/11/29
- Bolstering Water Supply Solutions: Kokusai Kogyo Group expands into water supply facility asset management and operation(PDF: 49.33 KB)
- 2011/11/09
- Local subsidiary established in China (Kokusai Beijing Limited)(PDF: 13.23 KB)
- 2011/10/20
- Opening of Representative Office in Indonesia (Kokusai Indonesia)(PDF: 12.41 KB)
- 2011/09/15
- Opening of Ryukyu Kokusai Kogyo Data Center – Leading Japan towards a G-spatial society * , with geospatial information to meet the varied needs of the public and private sectors –(PDF: 57.99 KB)
- 2011/09/07
- KOKUSAI KOGYO to release first GIS-based Area Marketing Platform Service for Chinese Market(PDF: 532.50 KB)
- 2011/07/15
- Full-scale Launch of the Flagship Kashiwanoha Smart City Project(PDF: 76.42 KB)
- 2011/05/24
- New Leading Companies Join Smart City Project to Accelerate Development of Totally Optimized, Next-Generation Cities(PDF: 65.03 KB)
- 2011/05/24
- KOKUSAI KOGYO GROUP’s Solar Solution to Current Power Crisis(PDF: 126.88 KB)
- 2011/05/24
- Kokusai Kogyo Group takes part in Third Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction as Private Sector delegate amid international attention on Japan’s disaster preparedness and response(PDF: 40.88 KB)
- 2011/05/10
- KOKUSAI KOGYO GROUP to Participate in UNISDR Private Sector Advisory Group(PDF: 41.42 KB)
- 2011/03/31
- Cooperated Movie Production for Vietnamese World Heritage “Thang Long Heritage”(PDF: 115.23 KB)
- 2011/03/23
- Tsuno SolarWay: Second Stage is Completed(PDF: 110.00 KB)
- 2011/03/14
- Impact of the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami(PDF: 33.95 KB)
- 2011/02/07
- Providing indoor Location Based Services (LBS) for Smartphones(PDF: 1.22 MB)
- 2011/01/25
- KOKUSAI KOGYO to Start Test Operation of Area Marketing Services for Chinese Market(PDF: 278.31 KB)
- 2011/01/25
- KOKUSAI KOGYO GROUP Selected as World Economic Forum Industry Partner(PDF: 99.23 KB)