Home>News Releases : Kokusai Kogyo’s Chairperson and CEO joins letter of support of TCFD recommendations

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Kokusai Kogyo’s Chairperson and CEO joins letter of support of TCFD recommendations

Kokusai Kogyo’s Chairperson and CEO Sandra Wu, Wen-Hsiu has joined a statement of support, together with over 100 firms, welcoming recommendations for effective disclosure of climate-related financial risks by the industry-led Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), together with many from the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders convened by the World Economic Forum, who have previously voiced their support for the TCFD recommendations in April 2017.

In a letter of support released on 29 June 2017, the CEOs state their belief that “climate change will have significant impacts across many sectors and that we, as business leaders, have an important role to play in ensuring transparency around climate-related risks and opportunities.”

Kokusai Kogyo will continue to provide solutions for climate change mitigation as well as climate change adaptation via our core competency, geospatial information, to our private and public sector clients.

◆See letter of support and related materials from TCFD

(Full letter)https://www.fsb-tcfd.org/publications/final-tcfd-recommendations-report-statement-support-june-2017/

(Press release)https://www.fsb-tcfd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Press-Release-FSB-Task-Force-publishes-recommendations-on-climate-related-financial-disclosures-29-June-2017.pdf

(Final TCFD recommendations)

◆For more information about the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders